
When GoFundMe approached me to rebrand their illustration system— there was no shortage of rich and powerful stories to draw inspiration from. Ultimately, the brand simply needed to hone in on their already present core values and visually reflect them in a way that felt warm and specific to GoFundMe.

Turning towards art history, we designed with specific techniques in mind: the strong negative space woodblock artists in the Meji period employed, along with the quirky simplicity mid-1900 editorial artists utilized.

After the broad strokes of style were defined, we got into the nitty-gritty details. How does the style scale? How much color is used across the site? Who are we depicting? When are stories more literal vs. abstract? We collaborated with artists to define these rules more concretely and began to create a body of work that would be GoFundMe’s new illustration style.

This more distinct illustrative approach focused on reflecting the real stories of our society and taking GoFundMe from a generic crowdfunding brand to one that has a definable personality.

GoFundme Team:

ACD / Consultant
Naomi Bensen

Bianca Bagnarelli
Manddy Wyckens
Josh Cochran

Musa Tariq

Head of Brand
Alexandra Anderson

Head of Design
David Murray

Senior Marketing Manager
Laura Donaldson

Senior Creative Producer
James Lee

Design Team
Robin Hilkey
Kirsten Myers
Ben Harthun
